Hearts in Action serves through educational, economic and environmental development programs in Peten, Guatemala. They have an established school aimed to break the cycle of general poverty in their region, economic programs to celebrate the traditions and cultures of their region through social enterprise, and environmental initiatives aimed at preservation.
The site aided in bringing an understanding of their past, present and future goals along with bringing the ability to donate and sponsor children to the center, a huge part of how they continue to make a difference.
The site aided in bringing an understanding of their past, present and future goals along with bringing the ability to donate and sponsor children to the center, a huge part of how they continue to make a difference.
Client: Hearts in Action
Studio: NUU Group
Responsibilites: Design Direction, UX
Brand: Carissa Hempton
Visit Site
Studio: NUU Group
Responsibilites: Design Direction, UX
Brand: Carissa Hempton
Visit Site